
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cute Car Wallet is Perfect for the Holidays!

Fortunately, we don't have to travel too far to see our family for the holidays.  It's about an hour drive, but I still always have 3 of these car wallets in my purse/car.  Not only do the kids love playing with them in the car, but once we get to Grandma's house they have a blast playing with them.

This bright cheerful car wallet is brand new in the shop and I LOVE all the vehicles on the blue fabric, and the perfect wheel fabric that makes up the pockets to hold the Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars.

NEW Car Wallet

Friday, December 7, 2012

NEW Necktie Burp Cloths in Christmas/Winter Fabrics....Plus Something For GIRLS!

We are so excited about all the fun new things popping up in the shop this week!

Like these adorable necktie burp cloths in the cutest Christmas/Winter fabrics!

Set of 3 Necktie Burp Cloths in Aqua and Green Chrsitmas Tree Fabric

Set of 2 Necktie Burp Cloths in Aqua/Turquoise Stripes and Christmas Tree Fabric

We also just added some precious burp cloth sets just for sweet baby GIRLS!!  We used the most adorable pink fabrics for this set with hand appliqued hearts.
Set of 3 Pink Heart Burp Cloths for Baby Girl